[Werbung:] Wohooo, yesterday was wonderful! Those of you who have been following my blog for a while might know that I am a big ice cream fan and that I have already been working on a few fun coop projects with Ben & Jerry’s in the past year. :)

Last summer, I visited Ben & Jerry’s Taste and Tunes tour in Berlin and took tons of photos and I went to their ice cream tasting party in Hamburg in February and and to their other ice cream event in June.
Peace, Love and Ice Cream: Ben & Jerry’s Movie Night

This time, Ben & Jerry’s planned something completely different: a tour through Germany with free ice cream and open air movie nights, such a wonderful idea for summer!

The event took place at the Malzfabrik in Berlin-Tempelhof, thousands of ice cream lovers came for free ice cream and to watch ‘Her’ in the open air movie theater and I was invited to join the crew, eat as much ice cream as I could and to use the location as a photo playground, yippie!

The silence before the storm. I wish I could have taken one of those wonderful chairs with me, I love those bright colors. :)

As every time, the crew is wonderful and brings lots of joy into the day, everyone has fun and is excited about ICE CREAM and a fun day in the sun!

Ben & Jerry’s is not only about delicious ice cream, but they also have a mission: to help to make the world a little better by means of supporting different projects and good causes (read more about their mission) and of course they also want to help to stop climate change. Make sure to help and contribute to the mission, it is super easy, you can simply sign the petition for climate justice!

When the crowd came in, there was a welcome speech and all the people were so so so excited about getting ice cream for free and to try out new flavors they haven’t tried before. :)

Just like last year, I was able to play ice cream fairy myself, so much fun! As I already said a few times, in my next life I’m gonna be an ice cream vendor with my own pink ice cream truck. :D

Because the line outside the area was soooo long, the lovely crew took shorties to the entrance to give it to the people who were still waiting.

Could. not. stop. eating. ice. cream! Too good! :) The speculatius one is my fave ice cream of all times, mhhh!

My lovely friends aentschie and Anna Sterntaler joined the ice cream fun as well and took lots of fun photos with me. :) Anja has also taken all those photos of me you can see here in the blogpost. Thaaank you again! :*

When the sun went down and all bellies were filled with tons of ice cream, all the people got ready for watching the movie, took out their blankets, picnic snacks and ate even more ice cream.
Watch a Video by Andy Kaczé from the Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream Event
Peace, Love & Ice Cream.
Movie Night with Ben & Jerry’s.
Movie Night with Ben & Jerry’s.
My friend Andy Kaczé who is a videographer did lots of filming during the event. Enjoy his video for even more impressions! :) You can also find him as @andykacze on Instagram and check out his Facebook fanpage. :)

That was fun (and we have been photobombed and just noticed this when looking at the photo ;))! Thanks for joining us and enjoy summer to the fullest!!
P.S.: This was a cooperation with Ben & Jerry’s and I had a blast. Of course I only write what I think and everything you can read in this blogpost is my personal opinion and experience!
Super Fotos & Event, ich habe heute das Eis Essen nachgeholt, immer wieder ein Traum… Liebste Grüße, Nina
So viel gute Laune <3! Schade, dass die Tour jetzt vorbei ist, ich hätte noch ein paar mehr Eisbilder gut vertragen können ;)! Liebe Grüße nach Berlin!
Hach schon coolSchade, dass die Tour nicht bei uns Halt gemacht hat..die Studenten hätten gefeiert ohne Ende und ich auch.Aber danke für die vielen bilder.Da bekommt man immerhin einen kleinen Eindruck von der goßemn Sause :)Viele liebe GrüßeFranzy
Gerade habe ich Lauras Post zum B&J's Event in Leipzig gelesen. Und jetzt auch bei dir nochmal so viele Gute-Laune-Bilder. Das Team sieht echt sehr nett aus und ein paar hübsche Jungs sind auch dabei!;)
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