Hey everyone! I hope you are having a lovely pre-Christmas season so far and had some lovely and cozy fall days! During the past weeks, I worked on many different projects and also attended Blogst conference again. Some of my wonderful (blogger) friends were in town all weekend and I spent the Friday before the conference with some of my faves. Katha (Kathastrophal), Lisa (Mein Feenstaub), Jenny (KuneCoco) and I went out for brunch and then drove to the Highdeck-Siedlung in Neukölln to take photos there. It’s one of my fave places in Berlin and we had plenty of fun together.
Those bright colorful garage doors at Highdeck-Siedlung are pure photo heaven. I love how the blue and my bright clothes match with each other. See the whole look in this post:
What I Wore: Blue Gates and Bright Winter Colors
Outfit details:
Pink coat and red dress: asos
Bag, hat and scarf: h&m
Sneakers: Reebook
Tiny turquoise ring: handmade by Quitting Quince
Big turquoise ring: heirloom from my mother
Necklace: handmade with FIMO
All photos in this blogpost were taken by Lisa and Katha. Thank you again so much!
Those are the lovely women with whom I’ve spent the day, eeeks! Time with you was so much fun!
Make sure to check out their outfit posts we took in front for the colorful garage doors for their sewing project challenge:
Lisa: Handmade pullover
Katha: Embellished animal hat
Jenny: Cozy coat
Thanks for reading and happy weekend!
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