Hello my dear readers! Last week, something really exciting happened: I was on the local radio!
Radio Alex, a Berlin-based radio station, had invited me for their radio show ‘Kopfhörer’ (= headphones) to talk about the soundtrack of my life.
A few weeks ago, I was invited by radio host Paula Georgi to come to their studio in Berlin-Wedding to record an one-hour interview and music show. Paula asked my about my creative life, my work for my blog and for DaWanda, we talked about Berlin and Potsdam, about my youth in the countryside and about the songs that I was able to choose for the show myself and what they mean to me. Such a fun experience!
The show was on air on Monday, July 4. On that day, I was on holiday in beautiful Italy and thanks to the Internet, I lay in the shade of a tree in a park in Bologna, listening to the show in an online stream.
Here’s the playlist, those are the songs I talked about:
Donots – Up Song (hooray, my fave band of all times!)
Wanda Jackson – Let’s Have A Party
Foo Fighters – Monkey Wrench
Four Year Strong – Heroes Get Remembered, Legends Never Die
Beatsteaks – To Be Strong
Gerry and The Pacemaker – How Do You Do It
Frank Turner – Photosynthesis
Moose Blood – Bukowski
Luloveshandmade on the Radio: Hear it Yourself:
Click on the button to load the content from www.mixcloud.com.
Have fun listening and thank you for being part of my journey!
Happy summer! :)
Haach, liebe Lu, was für ein schönes Interview mit dir!Es hat mir superviel Spaß gemacht, deinen Antworten zu lauschen – und die Musik, die du ausgewählt hast, ist einfach großartig. Besonders die Beatsteaks und die Foo Fighters begleiten mich auch schon so lange – herrlich!Alles Liebe für dich und bis hoffentlich ganz bald,♥ Katha
Liebste Katha,ganz herlichen Dank für Dein tolles Feedback, ich freue mich sehr!! <3Ich drück Dich!
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