Dress: asos
Clutch: h&m
Shoes: vans
Earrings: handmade
Turquoise rings: vintage, gifts from my Mama
Sparkling ring: gift from Flo
Hello and happy day everyone! Do you remember me telling you about my happy week in Vienna? During those days, Stef and I went to the Prater, Vienna’s traditional funfair with an awesome vintage charme, and took outfit photos there. I already published my first funfair outfit shoot with the photos that Stef took of me and today I’m sharing the other one.

While we have been spending one whole afternoon at the Prater, alternately taking photos of each other, I also took tons of photos of the colorful signs and buildings with Stef’s great camera, so this blogpost is a mixture of outfit photos and happy mood photos from the Prater. Enjoy! :)

Matching my clutch, I wore those pretty turquoise rings that my mother once gave me, perfectly matching my sparkling ring from Flo. :)

Happiest girl! I’ve always wanted to take photos at a funfair and when Stef told me about the Prater, I definitely wanted to go there and suggested taking outfit photos at that magical place. We had a super afternoon!
Wunderschön siehst du aus in diesem leuchtenden Kleid. Die Fotos sind superschön!
Hey Lu! Wien ist sooo schön und Deine Fotos haben das großartig eingefangen! Mal abgesehen von Deinem tollen Kleid! Ich grüße Dich aus der Sonne Italiens… Tanja
Liebe Lu,das letzte Bild mag ich besonders, weil ich so gern Riesenrad fahre. Aber dein Outfit ist auch wieder echt klasse – in den typischen Lu-Farben und so schön leuchtend-sommerlich bunt! Toll!Alles LiebeJulia
Ein sehr schönes Outfit und eine tolle Location! (: Hach und ich liebe deine Ringe und Ohrringe!