Hello everyone! Today I’ve got another review for you! I have recently been contacted by PhotoLove, a great small company from Hamburg which turns your photos from Instagram, Facebook or Eyeem into pretty polaroid pictures. Of course I was super excited and chose my fave phone photos for this review.
When ordering your prints on PhotoLove, you have three different options:
a) PhotoMail, an envelope filled with four prints for 5€
b) PhotoBag, a bag filled with up to twelve prints for 13€
c) PhotoBox, a handmade cardboard box filled with up to 24 photo prints for a total of 24€
You can see all three options in the photo above (but my PhotoBox has been shipped in an additional gift box). I really like that there are those three different options and I think their price is fair, too. When receiving all those three packages, I immediately thought about the PhotoMail version with its four photos as a nice surprise gift for a friend, such a nice idea. Moreover, the PhotoBox is great when you want to have more photos at once and the Bag is great for just for fun projects for which you need some polaroid prints of your photos. One package for each occassion, that’s fine!
For the PhotoMail package, I decided to order four prints of some of my favorite outfits to turn them into a collage that makes me happy when looking at it.
The only thing that I didn’t like that much about those PhotoLove prints is the back: of course this black background reminds of the back of original polaroids and it’s a nice visual contrast with the information about PhotoLove, but I rather prefer anything colorful instead of black and I think the information in the back is way too big so that the polaroids don’t serve well as a present. Nevertheless, I really like the kind note on the cardboard holder of the photos.
This is a collection of twelve photos, exactly the amount that you can get when ordering a PhotoBag. I love all the colors of my photos and I love seeing them at another place than only on my phone’s display. :)
I’m super satisfied with the quality if the prints: the colors are super bright and the surface is a little but glossy which makes the polaroids nearly look like real ones, that’s super cool!
Next, here’s my gift box I received with the order of a PhotoBox with 24 photos. Nicely packed and handmade in Hamburg, that makes it extra special.
When I have finally been holding all my pretty photos in my hands, I immediately thought about what to use them for. Some will be added to presents and some will simply be glued into photo albums:
You know I love bright colors and I love masking tape, it’s a perfect combination when attaching the polaroids onto the plain pages of a photo album. Keeping memories like this is a perfect way to spend a grey afternoon in fall. :)
Apart from filling my photo album with the photos, I also hung some of them up on my wall so that they can always be seen and make me happy! Because the colors are so bright, they perfectly match everything else in my home!
Here are finally two of the prints with the original place where I took them. I like those kinds of photos
All in all, I’m super satisfied with everything – the good service, the quality of the photos, the colors and their overall look which is very close to an original polaroid. Moreover, the website is really pretty and the ordering process is super easy, you simply have to log in your respective account (Instagram, etc.) and choose the photos. The black back with the big company information is the only tiny thing that I didn’t like that much, but as long as I don’t want to use them as postcards, that doesn’t matter.
Have you already ordered at PhotoLove? I hope my review was helpful for you and you enjoyed the colorfulness in this blog post! :)
Happy day!
P.S.: The items in this blogpost have been sponsored for the purpose of this review, but this doesn’t touch or influence my personal opinion!
so wunderschön und fröhlich! einfach du <3
Danke!! <3
wunderbarer Beitrag mal wieder! ich liebe das Titelbild <3 große lu hält kleine lu *hihi <3
Sehr schöne Fotos, ich liebe solche Services :)
Superschön! (: Ich liebe mal wieder die Farben in diesem Post und die letzten zwei Bilder sind der Knaller! (: Danke fürs Testen!