Hello! :) Today I wanna share a party recipe with you. :)
When I prepared everything for Flo’s maritime birthday party, I was searching for a cocktail which matched the decor and the party’s theme and I found a recipe for a non-alcoholic cocktail called Blue Captain.
I wanted to make it with some alcohol and I made a few other tiny changes and here’s my final result, the recipe I used for the party:
– Curacao Blue liqueur
– White rum
– Lime juice (I better like fresh juice)
– Bitter lemon
How much you need of the several ingredients depends on how you want the cocktail to taste and how much alcohol you want to have inside.
About 50% of my cocktail consisted of bitter lemon, about another 20% consisted of liquer, about 20% of white rum and about 10% lime juice.
Mhhhh, this is soooo delicious and refreshing in summer! :)
Happy Saturday!
(und das bild ist so schief, weil lu schon son teil intus hatte, als sie das foto gemahct hatte *hahaha)
warn echt lecker die teile! und sehn schicki aus!
Ooh this looks nicee!
Der Cocktail sieht halt supergiftig aus… *g* Aber hört sich superlecker an – alles, was Bitter Lemon in sich hat, ist leggggaaaa… ;-)
Lg, Miriam
Sieht gut aus :)