You know I love colorful theme parties and food tables, don’t you? Two years ago, for example, I threw a Rock’n’Roll theme party with a colorful food table for my 28th birthday. It was colorful, it was delicious, I had a wonderful evening with all of my friends.

Last year, for my 29th birthday, I wanted to host a theme party again and a topic was found quickly: a circus-themed birthday bash, CIRCUS LUISALLI.

After some planning, I decorated my whole home and made a huge buffet. See yourself and find some advice for throwing your own circus theme party! :)
Circus Theme Party: Make Your Own Fake-Barbell:

Of course, every theme party needs a photobooth, so I created and bought some photo props to make it extra fun.
Every circus has a ‘strong man’ (or woman, of course! ;)), so I went to the craft store and came up with the idea and supplies to make a fake-barbell.
– Two huge styrofoam balls (or like in my case, four half balls)
– A wooden stick
– A cutter and scissors
– Duct tape in white and in black
How to make your own fake-barell:
Cut holes into the sides of both of the balls which are as big as the wooden stick so that it slightly fits trough. Tape everything together with duct tape and make sure that the endings of the wooden sticks are secured with tape as well. Yay!
Create An Abstract Circus Tent Ceiling:

Another decor project I made was hanging up paper stripes to imitate the abstract shape of a circus tent. The idea is from The Party Elves, I found it via Pinterest. They used a ceiling fan for attaching the paper.
– Many rolls of crepe paper in the colors of your choice
– Crepe tape / painter’s crepe tape
– A grid lampshade to attach the crepe
– A ladder
How to make this abstract tent:
For my version of this decor DIY, use your rolls of paper crepe, climb onto your ladder and attach the endings of the crepe tape to your lampshade. This works best when the lampshade is hanging from the ceiling in the middle of your room. Let all other endings hang down, use your ladder again, take the tape and attach the paper to your walls. Let the paper hang loose a little so that you can slightly imitate she shape of a circus tent’s ceiling.
The Photobooth:

For the photo area, I bought red fabric and white crepe paper and I sewed a golden star bunting. Moreover, I cut out bright blue “Circus” letters which were inspired by a photo from My Sweet Saucy that I also found on Pinterest.

The guests were able to choose from a set of fun photo props, for example animal noses, glasses or bow ties.
How much I enjoyed coming up with all the details!
Setting up a Colorful Food Table:
Each time I throw a party, I can’t help but set up a colorful and delicious food table. For this one, my boyfriend brought this striped fabric from IKEA and I taped it onto the table.

As always, it takes me several days to browse recipes, make a list of savory and sweet food and then I stand in the kitchen for two days in a row to prepare all the delicious treats. I always enjoy this time of preparation all by myself, soaking up the whole process and celebrating not only the party, but also the preparations.

As with every party, I get my paper dishes from Partyerie, she has the best collection of party supplies for all occasions and for all color concepts!

This is the savory part of the buffet: homemade meat balls, dates wrapped in bacon, a cheese plate, a Greek salad topped with pepperoni, pickles wrapped in ham, a beetroot and orange salad, a salad with gnocci, a noodle salad and a salad with sweet potatoes. Hmmmm!

This is probably one of my favorite photos from the whole party. The arrangement, the colors, all the work which flowed into creating the food. :)

This was a vegan raw mango coconut cake. It looked pretty, but was BAH, so I won’t share the recipe. ;)

Moreover, I made a chocolate tarte after a recipe by pure ella. I found it via Pinterest and it was delicious and easy to make.

I found this recipe for a no-bake raspberry cheesecake by tinatausendschön via DaWanda’s DIY portal. It was easy, quick and oh so tasty!

Those vegan lemon raspberry bars which don’t need baking and were invented by Wife Mama Foodie were really delicious as well.

Dreierlei Liebelei has once posted a recipe for chocolate pretzel cupcakes with peanut butter and caramel. I tried out her recipe as well and my guests loved them.
The Party Decoration:

Each great party, especially a circus party, needs balloons. Of course, I bought helium ballons. They are one of my fave party props ever! More decor ideas can be found on my circus party decor board on Pinterest in case that you need more inspiraion.

As each time, I asked my guests to dress up. The person with the best costume was supposed to win this set. We totally forgot about it during the party, so the set got split up between the two guests who stayed the longest, haha. :)
Circus Party Photobooth Fun:

Shortly before the party, I also set up my daylight lamps, my tripod and my camera so that people could take photos with their costumes, yay! On Pinterest, I set up a board with circus party costume ideas so that my guests could find lots of inspiration.
My friends came up with the most wonderful costumes!

A LOT of my beautiful friends came as clowns or mimes, the whole room was full of stripey costumes. Apart from one bunny, we didn’t have any other animal. :D

A LOT of my beautiful friends came as clowns or mimes, the whole room was full of stripey costumes. Apart from one bunny, we didn’t have any other animal. :D
The Aftermath:
My home looked a little chaotic and my smartphone had disappeared during the party and was nowhere to be found ever since. A mistery which will never be solved. :D
Apart from this, it was a wonderful fun evening. Thank you for coming and making it a great birthday! The next one is coming soon.
Thank you for reading! :)
Wow, was für eine mega Party! So viel Liebe zum Detail. Und ich finds grandios, dass sich alle so in Schale geworfen haben.
Liebe Jenny, herzlichen Dank für den lieben Kommentar! :) Jaaa, es war super schön und alle haben sich so toll verkleidet. :)Liebste Grüße
Liebe Lu, Circus Luisalli ist ein richtig cooles Partythema und du hast das ganz zauberhaft umgesetzt! Voll cool, dass auch alle deine Freunde so mitgezogen haben!Am schönsten finde ich die Idee mit dem Zirkuszelt – krepp kostet ja nun wirklich nicht viel Geld und die Verwandlung deines Küchentischs in den Buffet-Tisch, sieht mega aus! (Also deine Wohnung sieht generell unschlagbar schön aus hihi) Liebe Grüße!Vickie
Liebe Vickie,tausend Dank für die lieben Worte, ich freu mich sehr!! :)Liebste GrüßeLu
Liebe Lu, ich bin tief beeindruckt! Als ich auf Bloglovin die Überschrift las, war ich gleich gespannt, denn das Thema Zirkus beschäftigt mich auch gerade sehr. Deine Party, die Details, die wundervolle Umsetzung, einfach wunderbar!!!Jetzt schaue ich mir noch Deine Pinterest Sammlungen an :)Allerliebste Grüße, Anita
Liebe Anita,danke für Deinen Kommentar! Ich freu mich sehr, dass Dir die Umsetzung gefällt und ich hoffe, dass Du gute Anregungen finden konntest! :)Liebe GrüßeLu
That is cute love it !