Hello my lovely readers! :) This week’s Friday interview is with my lovely blogger pal Stefanie of Squeaky Swing! She’s an inspiring and super creative young teacher from Switzerland with a really cute blog (that many of you may already know, but nevertheless, you can now get to know her a little better :)) and a feeling for pretty DIY projects. Can’t hardly wait, Stefanie and I and some really amazing other bloggers are going to meet each other very soon, but that’s another story which I will surely tell a lot about… :)
So here’s the interview:
1. Please introduce yourself. :)
Hey everyone, I’m Stefanie, I’m 25 and I live in Switzerland. I have been a secondary school teacher since January, so I’m still getting accustomed to this job, but I really like it so far, especially working in a team of good people I’m getting along well. We have a lot of fun during the breaks:)!
2. Why and when did you start blogging?
I started blogging in July 2011, so it’s been just about one year now. I have always been someone who needed to keep memories in a diary. When I was older I neglected writing down stuff that was important to me and I felt really bad about it. And I also felt like I needed something to boost my creative energy. So starting a blog was like a new start for keeping my everyday life at a place where I could go back to so I wouldn’t forget about it.
I’m nervous though I don’t have it all written down on paper and all the photos not printed out. What will happen once the internet breaks down forever??? That’s why I’m still keeping a little “real” diary where I can also write down very personal things.
3. How would you briefly describe yourself and your style?
That’s hard. I’d say I’m a quiet and contemplative person. I like being by myself and making things. Through my style I want to express the happy side of myself. I love colorful clothes and floral prints. If I could live in a shop, it would have to be ModCloth!
4. What is special about your blog? What makes it unique?
I believe that being Swiss in the blogger world is unique. It seems like there are no other Swiss bloggers out there! Other than that, I would say that my blog design is unique, because it’s all written and drawn by me.
5. What is the best thing you have ever made / created / sewed / cooked / …? Please tell me about your best project and share a link!
As far as reactions go, I think it were the bowls made of a doily. This isn’t my idea from scratch of course, so I would say I like restyling things the most. For example this handbag. And I also really love doing outfit posts!
6. Concerning the creative part of your life, what is the best thing that has ever happened to you?
My blog :).
7. Who and / or what inspires you? Where do you get your inspiration from and how does your inspirational process look like?
I’m inspired by fellow bloggers, the Internet and mostly by everyday life. That’s why I want to keep up that blog so I can do something about it! If I see something pretty I want to make, for example on the Internet, I save a picture or a link on my computer. I keep a to do list with all the things I want to make so every idea will be noted there. And then I’ll work it off. But the most important thing is that I don’t want to just copy these ideas and present them on my blog, but work out my own version by changing things or combining different ideas. Sometimes ideas also just pop up, especially when it comes to designing things for my home.
8. How do you organize blogging? Do you always prepare your posts in advance or do you rather spontaneously post about what comes to your mind?
I have sooo many ideas in my mind that I couldn’t live without to do lists. Almost every day I jot down ideas. If I’m really excited about something, I write a post about it immediately, but for elaborate projects I have a list I’m working off. And I want my topics to take turns so it won’t get boring. I could never write about only one specific topic!
9. How do you manage to get a balance between everyday work as a young teacher and your private life as a creative woman?
It’s very difficult. Being a teacher is an intensive job and demands lots of long hours. My time for creativity is after work until bedtime and on the weekends. But I always feel like there’s too little time for my projects. I would love to work on my ideas every day from am to pm!
10. Please name three of your favorite blogs to share them with my readers and briefly tell me why you like them and what makes them worth reading.
You all know them and you all know why…:)
1. A Beautiful Mess (My very favorite blog, although I have my issues with how it changed recently.)
2. Bleubird Vintage (It’s the most inspiring family blog!)
3. WishWishWish (My favorite British blog)
11. Please share links to three of your favorite DIY ideas or projects by other creative people. :)
1. I love this toilet paper rolls recycling project by Rotkehlchen.
2. Love this blog and these super cute necklaces made of ironing beads by Tagträumerin.
3. Since I love polka dots, I immediately fell for this restyling project by Wolkengleich.
12. Is there anything really important you‘ve learned through blogging and do you have any useful advice for other bloggers?
I’m still learning, but I think the quality of the posts and originality are two very important things. I decided not to put pressure on myself to write a post everyday, but to take my time and prepare my ideas carefully, photograph them as good as I can. I also try bringing in personal stories every now and then so my readers feel connected to me and also see me on my photos.
13. What is your biggest dream or most important goal you want to achieve?
For the near future I would love to open my very own online shop with all things handmade. Mostly accessories and things for the home. Later I would LOVE to create a line of handmade dresses and maybe someday open my own boutique where I would sell handmade things and all kinds of cute dresses for quirky girls. But that needs a lot of preparation, hard work and time time time…
Dear Stefanie, thank you so much for answering my questions, now you’re even more appealing to me than before! :) Can’t believe that we’re going to meet in less than two weeks! <3
Thanks for the cute interviews of Friday morning! I like to read them with my coffee ! ;)
And..Yes! I'm "Swiss"-based too! Actually I'm an Italian Wanderer Crafter, but I live in Zürich! Es freue mich, Stefanie! :)
Oh, ich mag Stefanies Blog sehr, sehr gerne! Immer wieder schön Neues von einer meiner Lieblingsbloggerinnen zu erfahren!
Einer meiner Lieblingsblogs! Und deine Blogvorstellungen und Interviews liebe Lu sind immer großartig und toll zum durchstöbern, vor allem an einem regnerischem Freitag wie heute!
Ich lese ihren Blog auch sehr gerne! Sehr sympatisch!
stefanie mochte ich schon vorher sehr, sehr gerne und wie du schon geschrieben hast, lu – das interview macht sie noch sympathischer! (: ich finde es lustig, was stefanie über abeautifulmess geschrieben hat – mir geht es genau so! darüber sollten wir uns beim treffen unterhalten. (; und freut mich riesig, dass sie mein tutorial zu ihren favoriten zählt! jippie!
Tolles Interview mit nem tollen Mädel :)
Ui, zwei Lieblinge auf einmal, sehr schön!
Mit a beautiful mess gehts mir übrigens genauso wie Stefanie.
Liebe Grüße an euch beide, Katinka