Summer is here and I am enjoying it to the fullest and hopefully you are doing the same, too! :) Two weeks ago, my friends and I went to the Mauerpark in Berlin and spent out Sunday there in the park. To fill my outfit gallery with some pretty new photos and to try out his new camera lens, my friend Alexander Rentsch who is a photographer and I took some time to take photos between the birch trees and in the gras. See yourself! :)
Earrings: sixx
Tunique: TKmaxx
Jeans: vero moda
Sandals: asos
Necklace: handmade by studio nahili
It was such a nice Sunday, we were all completely relaxed, layed in the grass, played badminton, ate ice cream and took some photos in between. I love how Alex portrays people and details!
This was fun! Since we have been taking photos together quite often in the past few months, we have become used to one another in front of and behind the camera and it’s always fun. :)
Summer is wonderful! Enjoy those warm days and in case you need a photographer in Berlin, have a look at Alex’ portfolio. :)
Happy Sunday!
Ganz ganz grossartige Fotos! Du siehst einfach super aus. Richtig traumhafte Fotos. Du solltest Alexander als dein Outfitfotograf regelmässig buchen!:)
Wunderwunderschöne Fotos, die der Alexander da gemacht hat. Wirklich herrlich! Ich kann mich gar nicht satt sehen an deinem ansteckendem Lächeln – einfach toll! Da wird das Outfit glatt zur Nebensache ;)Liebste Grüße sende ich dir,Sarah
Wunderschöne Fotos, liebe Lu und lieber Alexander!
Ganz toll! Die Fotos sind superschön – ebenso wie das Outfit – und ich hoffe sehr auf ein paar mehr Outfitposts diesen Sommer (: Du siehst richtig glücklich aus, liebe Lu, das ist schön (:Alles Liebe,Laura
Ooooh! Die Bilder sind wunderschön geworden, toll siehst du aus! ♥
total schöne Bilder,vor allem die von Oben im Sitzen :)VIele liebe GrüßeFranzy