Blogging is for making friends. Friends who share your interests and dreams. That’s the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about blogging.
Since I started my blog some years ago, I made some amazing new friends. At first, we’ve only been commenting on each other’s blog posts, then we’ve become blog friends and some time later, me met each other in reality and became real friends.
One of those great friendships that began through blogging is the friendship with Stefanie. :) Nearly two years ago, I got to know her because of our blogs and last summer, we spent an awesome week with our other friends Stef, Laura, Fabienne and my best friend Anja. It was a magical week and we had the best time and got to know each other better, shared secrets, memories and dreams. :) During the last year, I was lucky to spend time with Laura and Stef again, but because of the long distance which separates Stefanie and me, we haven’t seen each other. Now, after exactly one year, we finally made it to see each other again!! :*
We thought about meeting somewhere in the middle so that none of us
would have to travel too far and so Anja and I drove to Kassel (my home
town which is in the middle between Potsdam and Switzerland) to meet
Stefanie there and to spend a long girl’s weekend with each other!! :)
On the first evening, we walked around, I showed them some sights, we had dinner in a delicious Mexican restaurant and we chatted a lot. :)
Each morning, we were having breakfast on the other side of the street, opposite our hotel, and deliciously started our days. :)
We went to the Bugasee, it love it there!
Photos, photos, photos. :)
My sweet Anja!
One of my favorite parts of the weekend was taking outfit photos of each other. :)
The Herkules.
My home is my Cassel!
Awww, this great view, I missed this so much! We went up all the way and were super exhausted afterwards. :)
Time went by way to fast, that’s the only bad thing about this wonderful weekend with them! I really appreciated this girl’s quality time and already miss Stefanie a lot! I’m glad that Anja is living just around the corner. :)
Can’t wait for the next time!
P.S: All photos were either taken by Stefanie, Anja or me. :)
Aaaaaand today is Stefanie’s birthday, hooorrayyyyy! So if you want to, visit her blog and leave her sweet birthday wishes! :)
Hach, wie schön das alles aussieht! Ich liebe eure farbenfrohen, sommerlichen Outfits :) – Und so toll, dass du Stefanie und Anja deine Heimat zeigen konntest.
Ich seh das auch wie du – es ist soo toll, wie viele liebe Menschen man durch das Bloggen kennenlernt :]
Die Heimat zu besuchen ist echt immer schön! Ich bin grad nach vier Jahren zurück in meine Heimat Berlin gezogen und es fühlt sich alles wieder richtig an, obwohl ich mittlerweile München auch gern mag. Könntest du es dir vorstellen irgendwann mal zurückzugehen?
LG Anni
Ach wie toll – dein schöner Bericht gefällt mir mal wieder supergut! Die Fotos sind einfach nur schön (ich liebe die "Behind the scenes"-Bilder vom Outfitshooting und deine Pose ist genial!) und es klingt nach einem perfekten Wochenende… Offenbar muss ich doch mal nach Kassel, die Aussicht ist klasse! (: Schade, dass ich nicht dabei sein konnte, aber es freut mich, dass ihr so eine schöne Zeit hattet! Und danke für die lieben Worte, du bist mir auch sehr ans Herz gewachsen :-* Hoffentlich sehen wir uns bald wieder!
Alles Liebe,
ach ich guck mir diesen Beitrag jeden Tag an und würde gern nochmerh Urlaub mit Dir und euch verbringen *hachja <3
:* so toll wars!
Schön!:) Der Aufstieg zum Herkules war echt super! Und der Abstieg auch;) Ich hoffe, ich komme heute noch dazu, das Video zu machen. Hab dich lieb!
hui ich bin so gespannt auf das Video!