1. Such a pretty bag from asos. A girl can never have enough matching bags in all colors! :)
2. I’m so in love with this awesome handmade necklace from frausieben, it has been on my wishlist for several months and it’s one of the items I will definitely buy myself when I don’t get it!
3. This pink squirrel brooch from nice design is so cute!
4. Awww, can there be anything better as an accessory than this handmade Mary Poppins brooch from walking desaster?
5. Hoorrayyyyy! I love this tote from little big Treehouse.
6. This wooden brooch from snug.studio is awesome, I can really imagine it on several of my dresses.
7. I really need a camera bag so badly! I got my camera two years ago as a birthday present from my mum and I still don’t have a special bag and I definetly want a colorful camera bag like this from jo totes.
8. This tote from george-koenig is so cute, it would definitely be one of my favorites in everyday life.
9. Prettyyyyy! I immediately fell in love with this bag from asos, perfect for spring!
10. Hello, beautiful thing! This yellow camera bag from shootbags is as beautiful as the blue one and I still can’t decide which one I like more. I will definitely buy one of those two!
11. This awesome handmade necklace is from Maedchenwahn, I love her illustrations and designs.
12. Such a pretty tote from Birdtoldme. I love the colors, the bag would match many of my clothes and the print is more than cute! :)
Awwww, how much I love birthdays, especially my own one and the day is gonna be there in less than 3 weeks! :) I have already made a Pinterest board with a birthday wishlist, but I also wanted so make one for my blog. I know that I probably won’t get any of those items (most of my friends are pretty creative and rather think about something special themselves), but I love making those lists and I will perhaps later buy a few of those awesome things myself. :)
Well, I hope you've made hints to your family and friends that they might want to check out this blog post. I hope you get lots of things from your wishlist!
Ich bin derzeit ganz verliebt in meine neue B-Hobo-Bag von Kelly Moore (http://kellymoorebag.com/), die finde ich noch schöner als die von Jo Totes. Allerdings muss man denen mal sagen, dass die die Rechnung Außen am Paket anbringen muss, sonst sitzt man nen Nachmittag beim Zoll rum. :-)
My bday in 10 days and I still havent properly scattered my wishlists all over the place!!!