Hey everyone! It’s that time of the year again, International Women’s Day is coming up! It’s not just that one Feminist Fight Day when feminism is super important, but it’s an annual constant reminder of everything which still needs to be done in order to achieve equality of all genders and all people. It’s still a long way until we can finally say that women and gender diverse people are equal to men in all contexts.

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is #ChooseToChallenge. My dear friend Anna Sterntaler (also check out Anna Sterntaler on Pinterest) and I have recently been brainstorming for wordings which somehow fit this year’s theme so that I could transfer these wordings into letterings.
The letterings will be sent by Pinterest employees to their colleagues to surprise them with kind words and to encourage them for further feminist activities. Apart from the letterings being included in that internal Pinterest mailing, I of course want to share them with you.
International Women’s Day

This time, I tried out something new. I combined my traditional black and white letterings with some colorful geometrical shapes and I absolutely love how how this turned out!

If you also want to encourage and empower from fellow feminists, feel free to forward those letterings to them (for private use only of course).

Which of those wordings is your favorite one?
Choose to Challange – Feminist Goals
When talking about the #ChooseToChallenge initiative, here’s a bunch of goals and actions that are really important to me:
- Call out sexists
- Abolish abortion restrictions
- Fight for equal pay
- Equally share care work and mental load
- Share knowledge with each other
- Empower others
- Make feminism intersectional
- Challenge body shaming
- Make periods table talk
- Fight misogyny
- Listen to others and to their individual experiences
- Further educate
- Solidarize
What are your goals, what are you fighting for? Share it with the hashtag #ChooseToChallenge on your social channels and help raising awareness!
Interview Videos at Pinterest

Over on Pinterest, you can see me in a video interview for International Women’s Day (in German), answering questions by Pinterest Deutschland (Pinterest Germany) about my creative work and feminist attitude.

For the new letterings that I posted here, there’s also another Story Pin video on Pinterest which you could watch as well. It explains again how those letterings were developed.
Interview at Makerist

Speaking of interviews: for my job at Makerist, my colleagues have initiated a Women’s Day campaign and have done interviews with female Makerist employees who talk about their positive and empowering experiences at work and also about encounters with sexism during their work life. I’m also part of this interview series and you can read the whole texts (in German) here in the Makerist Magazine:
Internationaler Frauentag – Interview mit Makerist Mitarbeiterinnen
Further Feminist Content
Here you can already read my article from 2020 about the importance of intersectional feminism and International Women’s Day and you can have a look at my quite recent blogpost which is about pro choice and the abolition of the restriction of reproductive rights.
Further topics which are also important to me are making periods table talk and sharing my enthusiasm about menstrual cups.
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