Hey everyone!
Especially those of you who know me personally know quite well that music plays a really important role for me. I listen to my favorite songs everywhere I go, I soak up the music of new bands like I am breathing in fresh air and I go to concerts super often, afterwards being happy and excited.
Just like they did last year, Spotify has recently released an end-of-the-year-review for every user. For those of you not being familiar with my number one fave music streaming service Spotify, this means that they put together a list with all of your fave songs that you played most often and they also automatically put together some insights into your behavior of consuming music.
My Year in Music: Spotify’s Annual User Report
I put together some insights of my review (all credits to the graphics fully to to Spotify!) to show you about my year in music and about my highlights.
In 2017, I was listening music for more than 41.000 minutes. That’s quite a lot of my time. I listened to more than 3000 songs from more than 1600 artists.
My top three fave bands were – not surprising for me – Smile and Burn, Four Year Strong and the Beatsteaks. Yay! Those are bands I listen to quite a lot. You should definitely check them out (maybe you don’t know the two first ones, yet) and also take a look at those five songs which were my faves. On some days, I listened to one or another of them on repeat for hours.
The plan for 2018: “Don’t grow up!”, Spotify tells me. Well, partially! There are lots of amazing things about getting older, but we shouldn’t forget to stay wild and adventurous and music always plays a big part in this.
Eeeeks, here’s my musically review of 2017 summed up in just one graphic (generated via Spotify and 2017wrapped.com). Fave genre: Pop Punk. No surprise for me. :o) Next to Skate Punk and Melodic Hardcore, yay! Huh, I’m so inspired right now and could listen to 89342423 amazing songs at the same time. :o)
Discover my Public Spotify Playlists
Listen to your favorite songs, baby!
Have you become curious? Check out my Spotify profile and discover all of my public playlists. There’s lists with all of my fave rock songs, Rock’n’Roll music, hardcore and punkrock covers of pop songs and also my Spotify review with my fave songs from 2017.
Do you have any recommendations for me that I should know? :o) I love love love discovering new bands and then going to their local shows!
Happy listening!
Liebe Lu, hach ich mag es, wenn Menschen sich genauso an Musik erfreuen wie ich und das ADTR Konzert mit dir wird mir als Jahres-Highlight definitiv im Kopf und im Herzen bleiben! :) Es gibt sooo viele tolle Bands! Was ich aber am Besten finde, sind deine Illustrationen zu deinen Playlists – so schön!!! Liebe Grüße, Vickie <3
Hey liebste Vickie,
danke für deinen süßen Kommentar, ich freu mich sehr! :)
OMG ja, ADTR und Blink 182 mit dieser tollen Gruppe waren der Knaller! So ein großartiger Spaß-Abend mit euch! :) <3
Ich drück dich!!!
Liebste Grüße