Awww, my little doggy baby has grown so fast and I still love him so much! <3
Before we decided for getting a dog, we have been thinking about it for more than one year. Then, we regularly visited the local pet shelter and took several dogs for a walk to see how it feels like spending time with a dog and to get used to the new kind of responsibility. After we had decided that we wanted to have a dog, we were searching for a good dog breeder and found a wonderful woman who raises her dogs with a lot of love and has lots of experience and knowledge. We visited her and then decided to wait for the next litter. Then, we first saw Mogli when he was 4 weeks old and this was the day we have chosen him to live with us. We fetched him when he was 8 weeks old. Now, more than 4 years have passed and we can’t image living without him. It’s so crazy how people give their hearts to animals and include them in their lives, right? :)
This is how he’s sometimes sitting in his dog basket. :D Like a little sailor on his boat. ;D
Isn’t he cute? :) When he’s looking at me with his blue eyes, it’s so heart-warming! :)
Do you have any pets? :) I grew up in the countryside, having cats, chicken, a turkey, geese, lots of ducks and 3 goats. It was wonderful to spend my childhood having animals at home, but I really missed this when I moved out after school and then Flo and I started thinking about having a dog and this was definitely the best decision. <3
oh how cute is baby mogli <3 and sailor mogli made me LOL ^^
OMG what a cutie. i do have a 17 year old cat (that i kinda inherited from my mom) but (while i love my special kitty) am definitely more of a dog-person. i would LOVE to have one myself but with a 40+ hour work week it's just not possible right now :( unfortunately… *sigh*
He is amazing! Look at him sitting in that basket. So cute! :)
We have three dogs and a cat and I can't imagine life without them. It can get pretty crazy, but animals make life worth living! :)
Wirklich so süss! :-) Ich finde ihn ja mit 8 Wochen wahnsinnig knuddelig. Kann mir richtig vorstellen, wie er da herumgetollpatscht ist die ganze Zeit. Er hat so tolle Smokey Eyes! :-)
i <3 mogli :)
(geilstes bild EVER! wie er mit seinem krampf im körbchen sitzt <3 ;D )